The Flyway staff is thrilled to award the Grand Prize of $500.00 and publication to Loree Burns for her expertly crafted and emotionally heartfelt essay "What
Amy Irvine Torrey House Press, 2018 It’s been 51 years since Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness was published (“released from its cage and turned
Flyway is now accepting submissions for our annual Sweet Corn Prize. Two grand prizes of $500 and a box of Iowa sweet corn (or Iowa gift
Here is what we know for sure: in the early 2000s, my mother’s left foot started to drag. She told the foot to move, and it
Chaim Rumkowski, Judenälteste of the Łódź Ghetto, on Memory upon Arriving at Auschwitz, August 1944 Thick August heat sticks in the air like a cloud around a
Farmer/Janus Never thought I'd see the day when I could let it all go, cows in their stanchions, hay in the mow, swallows' cupped-mud nests clinging fast.
These are the signs I read as I drive into my hometown: Limberlost Efficiencies. Hawaiian Isle Trailer Parks. PIG ROAST SATURDAY ALL ARE WELCOME. Clean fill-dirt
We come to the skeleton of a deer. This is how it starts, and what we’ll circle around to. We come to the skeleton of a
I’m sitting with a middle-aged engineer named Leah—and maybe 60 others—at a small table in a cafeteria at the bottom of the world. Todd’s at the
Mud Season A winter of withholding over. Your love sings “Águas de Março” in the other room, and even though he sings in another language, you