The traditional Japanese calendar relied on the division of a year into 72 microseasons that marked seasonal variations and subtle transitions in
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As the evening wore on, the humpback whale’s breathing became increasingly labored. From my vantage point on the beach, about fifty yards
The turtles are dry back when I am near silent. My kayak glides by. They stay in the sun careening their necks
In Raquel’s classroom, picture books proved a challenge. Students regularly confused narwhals with unicorns and vultures with griffins. Decades had passed since
Abstract First, define cat·a·calysm. Call it “a momentous and violent event marked by overwhelming upheaval and demolition; broadly: an event that brings
“In that case,” said the Dodo solemnly, rising to its feet, “I move that the meeting adjourn, for the immediate adoption of
Bibit disliked her name intensely, she disliked her brothers, who acted like she didn’t exist, and at this very moment, she disliked
They filed into the community meeting room and took their seats around the green, carpeted area. Maggie sat beside Don on the
I Above one end of the crescent strip— three greater white fuel tanks, the catchment of industrial dreams. At the other, a
Sapiens Pulse the River We blame death for there always being so much more. A baby's crown, his soft spot thrumming, open