ArtWinter/Spring 2024

Armita Khalatbari — Visual Art


Architectural Echoes


Orange Paradise


 Artist Statement

My art is a tribute to the rich history of Iranian Miniature Art and Architecture. Drawing inspiration from traditional motifs and patterns, I aim to merge the beauty of the past with the technology of the present. By deconstructing and reinterpreting these ancient forms, I strive to create a sense of revolution while honoring the authenticity and timelessness of Iranian culture.

Through my creations, I seek to convey meaning and symbolism from traditional motifs of the old Persian world. I draw inspiration from popular cultural works such as Shahnameh by Ferdowsi and Haft Peykar by Nezami, and my goal is to shed light on the beauty and significance of this Persian heritage.


 Artist Bio

Armita Khalatbari is an Iranian artist whose work is deeply rooted in the rich cultural heritage of Persian art and architecture. Growing up in Iran and surrounded by the vibrant colors and intricate designs of Persian art continues to inspire her digital artwork today, and studying Architecture in university ignited her passion for exploring the intersection of tradition and modernity in her own artistic practice.

Given her background in Architecture and writing, Armita has honed her ability to pay attention to detail and integrate literature with geometric patterns in her artwork. This fusion of disciplines allows her to create pieces that not only showcase her vision but also tell stories through imaginary realms and abstract concepts.

Her art is a celebration of authenticity and originality, honoring the legacy of Iranian art while embracing the innovative possibilities of digital technology. Through her approach to blending traditional forms with modern techniques, Armita aims to contribute to the evolution of Iranian art and inspire a new generation to appreciate the beauty and complexity of this culture. Each piece invites viewers to explore the rich history through a contemporary lens, offering a fresh perspective on the beauty of Persian art and preserving and promoting the forgotten beauties of her homeland, Iran.

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The author: Debra Marquart