Tidal Pull So many creatures meeting on this beach, the air is thick and filled with tiny deaths. Things that lived much
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—for Gray St. Germain Gideon, 1984-2014 It’s these ancestral mountains, massive as grief, that dominate, sharp, angular, .............fragments .........................jutting out like fingers
Let’s hear it for the bear. Not some mythical beast, but Ursus arctos horribilis. Americans love the grizzly bear to death and
Henry and his grandfather, Almer, had started out before dawn, parked at the end of a dirt service road on the Blue
We are hunters, my siblings and I. It’s early morning, and a film of mist papers the air, which insects unzip with
1. On a hilltop I sit hugging my knees, watching the Mekong as it courses below, dividing the Golden Triangle into its
Evening Treat Barren concrete blocks on the fourth floor of the École Normale Supérieure, our rooms, grey, square, metal beds, mattresses as
These are the signs I read as I drive into my hometown: Limberlost Efficiencies. Hawaiian Isle Trailer Parks. PIG ROAST SATURDAY ALL