browsing category: Art

ArtWinter 2023

Four Paintings — Serge Lecomte

“Invasion of the Land of Beauty”



“Human Kite”



“Last of an Invasive Species”




Serge Lecomte was born in Belgium. He came to the States where he spent his teens Brooklyn. After graduation he joined the Medical Corps in the Air Force. He earned a Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University in Russian Literature. He worked as a Green Beret language instructor at Fort Bragg, NC from 1975-78. In 1988 he received a B.A. from the University of Alaska Fairbanks in Spanish Literature. He worked as a language teacher at the University of Alaska (1978-1997). He worked as a house builder, pipe-fitter, orderly in a hospital, gardener, landscaper, driller for an assaying company, bartender.Lecomte_s final visuals

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